We maintain a bamboo forest and make bamboo washi.
And we are improving the natural environment.
- The bamboo is an important forest resource in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
- The people had attachment to bamboo, and their life was with bamboo.
- In the 20th century, plastic got into the living and, put a bamboo product behind.
- In the 21st century, we maintain a bamboo forest and use bamboo.
- This lets us rediscover that the bamboo was friendly with the people.
- The maintenance of a bamboo forest is one method to prevent global warming.

We are making Japanese paper from bamboo cut down in bamboo grove.
Bamboo paper making experience Click here for application
Bamboo Japanese paper (Bamboo Washi)

Picture letters made with bamboo paper

Bamboo Japanese paper wallpaper
Until Bamboo Japanese paper is made
Step 1: Preparation of bamboo
Step 2: Fiber bamboo with microbial power

Step 3: After boiling, washing, drying

Step 4: Bamboo papermaking
Bamboo Papermaking Experience

On the third Wednesday of every month, we conduct a bamboo paper making experience.
1) Bamboo Papermaking Experience:
Postcard and Wallpaper (size: about 40 CM x 60 CM)
* Let’s make my own Postcard.
(You can use it for picture letter, japanese paper collage, calligraphy, watercolor painting.)
2) Wallpaper pasting experience:
You will try to paste the Japanese Bamboo paper on the wall.
3) Visit bamboo fiber production site and visit bamboo grove:
We will take a tour of the bamboo forest managed by Chikurin50
◆ Preparation: Towel
◆ Target; Anyone can participate.
◆ Participation fee: 1,500 yen (participation fee, teaching materials etc)
◆ Capacity: 5 people
◆ Organizer: Chikurin50
【Time and location】
Date: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Time: 13:00 start, 16:00 end
Place: Yui no kai ”結の会”
2-1211 MotoHachioji Machi, Hachioji City
※ If you wish to transfer, please contact us.
(Pick up servise is available at the North exit of JR Takao station.)
Masato Watanabe
Mobile : 090-3543-2467
TEL : 042-646-2633
MAIL :masaoki-w@kuc.biglobe.ne.jp
HOME Click here
【Application form】
【Access】Place : Yui no kai ”結の会”
結の会 193-0826

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